Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to questions business owners have

Aidi is a technology platform that helps Africans grow and expand their wealth globally through private management services offered by Aidi's certified experts.

Simply book a 15-minute call session to begin our process. Once you pass our KYC review stage, Aidi's operations team will onboard you and reach out for more information on your company.

All verified members of Aidi are eligible to apply for Aidi's perks directly on their dashboard. These perks include; IBM cloud credits, brex, and Digital Ocean cloud credits. Our team, will review your application to check if you meet the minimum criteria required to access Aidi's founders perks before giving you access.

Our founders' session runs every quarter. Only verified founders would be considered to join Aidi's founders' session. Once you apply from your account, we will schedule a 15-min call with your team to run some quick due diligence before notifying you of your application's status.

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